Immunocal® - Doctors' Viewpoints
Dr. Tom Kwyer, MD Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist "IMMUNOCAL® works and it's safe. I believe it is the safest and most effective supplement available to help raise glutathione levels in every cell of your body. Glutathione (GSH) is the body's most powerful antioxidant and healing agent. IMMUNOCAL® itself is not an antioxidant. Also, IMMUNOCAL® is the best way that I know to support and maintain the immune system. This is especially important at a time when medicine is beginning to recognize how many diseases are caused by a deficiency of the immune system. But that's not the whole story - just as important, are the people behind the product. Everyone at Home Office is of the highest integrity. As a doctor, I appreciate the power and efficacy of IMMUNOCAL®. As a person, I enjoy being associated with dedicated and delightful people".
Dr. Tom Iwama, MD "Current research is uncovering the fact that the underlying culprit in most disease and aging processes is free radical damage and oxidative stress. Therefore, the most reasonable way to combat these degenerative changes is to find a safe and effective way to raise antioxidant levels. I believe that IMMUNOCAL® is the safe, effective and natural way to raise glutathione levels. Taking IMMUNOCAL® everyday should be a vital component to anybody's proactive health plan."
Dr. Jean Marcoux, Board Certified Allergist, Immunologist "Almost everyone I put on Immunocal tells me that they feel better as soon as they start taking the product. This is explained by the fact that IMMUNOCAL®brings to all the cells in our body, the building blocks necessary to produce glutathione, a small protein that each cell needs to function properly. In severe asthmatics taking IMMUNOCAL®, the attaches become less frequent and less severe. The need for medication is decreased, they sleep better and they don't miss work or school as often, resulting in a better quality of life."
Alicia Zobel, PhD. Bio-Chemist Immunocal® developed at McGill University is a significant step in helping increase glutathione at the cellular level. "Glutathione is the most essential weapon in our fight to stay healthy! It is difficult to stay healthy today due to so much pollution, toxins, pesticides and processed foods, especially for young children! Detoxifying one's liver is essential to staying healthy and glutathione is very responsible for detoxifying our livers!" - Alicia Zobel , Professor of Biochemistry, Cell Physiology and Photochemistry at Trent University in Canada. Associate Professor at Cornell University in the USA.
Dr. Jimmy Gutman MD former Professor of Emergency Medicine, McGill University Medical Centre "The importance of GSH or glutathione to your health cannot be overstated. Your immune system is constantly on the prowl for pathogens - those agents of cellular damage, toxicity and disease. In order to neutralize these enemies of the cell, our body must have a ready supply of glutathione. Research today shows that due to excessive stress, our exposure to toxins, pesticides, chemicals, cigarette smoke, alcohol, highly processed foods, over use of many prescription drugs, over the counter pain killers, car and truck exhaust etc. that glutathione is reduced in our cells. Glutathione levels are fundamental to a healthy immune system. A word of caution! You cannot buy glutathione pills as it does not travel safely through the gut. Oral glutathione supplementation simply doesn't work. Your MD quite likely has never heard of this molecule, glutathione. Most very busy doctors are not up on current research especially where natural products are concerned.
Dr. Allan Somersall, MD "Immunocal® is the future of the wellness movement. Nothing else I know can impact the ability of every cell in the human body to defend itself from the common pathological mechanisms. To raise glutathione level is to reduce premature oxidation, to eliminate destructive free radicals and help detoxify the poisons inside each cell when it needs to. Only IMMUNOCAL® is clinically proven to do that in a safe, effective and convenient way."
Patients' Results Excite Doctor - Jim McCallum D.M.D.
Dr. Jim McCallum, D.M.D. is an oral and maxillo-facial surgeon who has been practicing for 30 years. He received is degree from the University of Manitoba and has performed postgraduate work in Washington.
About a year ago a friend of mine gave me some literature about a glutathione (GSH) enhancer (IMMUNOCAL®) and asked me to read it. Initially I was a little reluctant but because he was a friend I decided that I would look at it and give him my opinion.
By the time I read through all the information I was really excited about Immunocal®, the science behind it and how much sense it made to me as a member of the medical profession. So I went to Montreal and visited with Dr. Gustavo Bounous and came away feeling positive that this product was going to change the face of health care.
I started taking Immunocal® but didn't expect to feel a lot of results because I was healthy to start with. But I knew what it could do for my immune system and that I would benefit from it on a cellular level.
Soon I found that I was sleeping better and had a general feeling of well being. In fact in the past year I haven't had a cold or flu not even the sniffles.
I'm recommending this product to healthy people and to those who have health challenges because I know what it can do for their immune systems and how it can help them overcome any health challenges they may have. I'm also recommending Immunocal® to athletes because I know that it can improve their performance. I have seen results in all of these cases and many people are benefiting dramatically. I've also seen people with chronic fatigue syndrome improve to the point that they have been able to go back to work.
People with MS have found that their symptoms have diminished and they've been able to get on with their lives. And that's not all - I've seen improvement in people with vascular problems, neurodegenerative problems and diabetes.
Immunocal® isn't a magic potion that changes them over night but over time it helps them gain a normal quality of life. The results of using Immunocal® have really impressed me.
Dr. Jim McCallum, D.M.D., DC, FICD. Oral Maxillo Surgeon
Remarkable Product Creates Remarkable Results for Everyone
Jimmy Gutman, M.D., F.A.C.E.P., received his medical degree at the University of Calgary, Canada. He was Chief Resident of Emergency Medicine for Grady Memorial at Emory University in Atlanta, and has worked with the Indian and Inuit communities in the northern part of Canada as a rural doctor. Dr. Gutman has been on the board of directors of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians and runs a family practice in Quebec. He is presently a professor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He is also the author of the book The Ultimate GSH Handbook.
Glutathione is a protein which is critical to the body and immune system. It acts as an antioxidant, detoxifier and immune system enhancer.
First is the antioxidant aspect. Antioxidants, agents which protect the body from free radicals are one of the reasons people have been so excited about taking things like vitamins C and E. But none of these vitamins are natural to your body, you have to obtain them from food sources. However your body has been supplied with a natural antioxidant - glutathione.
The problem is until recently we didn't have a convenient way to raise the glutathione levels in the body. But now, with the Immunocal®, we do.
Immunocal® does not produce glutathione - it can't be produced outside of the body. But this enhancer is a precursor that provides the building blocks to increase glutathione production.
The second important factor about glutathione is detoxification. Glutathione is responsible for eliminating the breakdown products of toxins, such as cigarette smoke, automobile exhaust, pesticides, herbicides and other contaminants in our water, air and food. The more exposed you are to these poisons, the lower your glutathione level goes and the more you need to replenish it. Glutathione is the major enzyme pathway the body uses to rid itself of many of these poisons. For instance, when overdose patients come into emergency rooms, doctors save their lives by giving them drugs to raise glutathione levels.
But there are two problems with these drugs. First, they make you feel sick, often inducing nausea, vomiting and cramping. Second, these drugs only last for a few hours in your system. With the Immunocal® we have the ideal way to detoxify the body without adverse side effects. Immunocal® is a natural product that doesn't make you feel sick - in fact, a lot of people come back and talk about an elevated general sense of well-being. And Immunocal® only needs to be taken once a day and can stay in your system for weeks or even months.
The immune system is your front-line defense against infection. When a virus gets into your body, the immune system recognizes that the virus is not supposed to be there and triggers an immune response. Then the white blood cells attack the virus and send lymhocytes to fetch other parts of the immune system to kick in. But the function of these white blood cells depend upon the availability of glutathione. If you don't have enough glutathione then your ability to fight off infection is blunted.
This is the best model for understanding AIDS and HIV infections. People don't die from HIV - they just can't fight off infections that the average person could literally sneeze away.
After raising glutathione levels, patients fight infections better because their cells are getting what they need. Glutathione truly is an anti-infective agent.
The general public, by taking Immunocal® and raising glutathione levels, is seeing several things - not only an increased sense of well being and heightened energy, but also a resistance to infections and diseases.
There are studies that connect glutathione levels and cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, Parkinsons's disease, and the aging process.
After increasing their glutathione levels many people suffering from these diseases see fantastic results.
I can't think of another product that can so effectively and safely induce the body to produce more glutathione.
Immunocal® is a remarkable product that offers remarkable results for everyone.