Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia & Environmental Illness, by BurtonGoldberg, M.D. page 127 - Immunocal™: 
Immune Nutrient from Milk ProteinOne of the most important substances required by the immune system for optimalfunctioning is an amino acid complex called glutathione. However, supplementationis made difficult by the complexity of the body's system for delivering glutathione tocells. Canadian researchers figured out a way to deliver glutathione effectively inthe form of a natural milk protein supplement called Immunocal™ and earlyresearch suggests it has benefits for chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, AIDS,hepatitis, and age-related conditions such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, andarteriosclerosis.Glutathione is a tripeptide, a small protein consisting of three amino acids (glutamicacid, cysteine and glycine) bound together. The substance functions as a principalantioxidant, scavenging free radicals and toxins such as lipid peroxides that wouldotherwise damage, even destroy, cells. It accomplishes this valuable task byworking with an enzyme called glutathione peroxidase. Further, glutathioneregulates the activities of other antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E.However, when the body is suffering from oxidative stress, supplies of glutathionebecome depleted. Oxidative stress is a condition in which the body is unable todetoxify itself completely and is overrun by free radicals because antioxidants aredepleted. Oxidative stress affects the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems,and it may underlie many of the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue.
Glutathione exerts another protective and scavenging role in concert with the liver,the body's primary organ of detoxification and internal cleansing. In the liver,glutathione combines with toxins, carcinogens, and waste products as a way ofmore effectively securing their elimination from the body. In addition, glutathionehelps red blood cell membranes and other cellular proteins maintain their structureand aids the production of leukotrienes, immune system cells crucial for workingagainst inflammation.But glutathione also has an important role in supporting the activity of white bloodcells called lymphocytes (the key players in the body's immune response) as well asantibodies (specialized immune defense cells). In fact, for lymphocytes to do theirjob, glutathione must be present. The tricky fact about glutathione is that you can'tsimply take in more glutathione as a supplement; it must be made INSIDE thecells. In other words, glutathione doesn't enter cells directly; rather, it must bemade within them by precursors.
Recognizing this biochemical fact, Canadian researchers developed Immunocal™ in1993 to deliver to the cells the necessary PRECURSORS for glutathione. In thecourse of researching dietary protein sources capable of boosting the immunesystem, Gustavo Bounous, M.D., of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec,discovered the substance, which later became Immunocal™. Today, Dr. Bounous serves as the medical director of Immunotec Research, the manufacturers ofImmunocal™, located in Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada.Immunocal™ is a natural food supplement consisting of concentrated milk proteinpowder containing unusually high amounts of glutathione precursors, according toImmunotec Research. "Immunocal™ promotes optimal functioning of the immunesystem by sustaining normal levels of glutathione and glutathione precursors in thelymphocytes. Glutathione, acting as the cellular antioxidant, allows for a fullimmune response," says Immunotec literature.Immunocal™ contains concentrates of three substances in the whey portion of milk(serum albumin, alpha-lactalbumin, and lactoferrin). These contain a large quantityof cystine, an amino acid breakdown product which is a more usable form ofcysteine (the amino acid precursor of glutathione). Studies have show that cysteinelevels tend to be the rate-limiting factor (the biochemical bottleneck) in maintainingthe ideal level of glutathione.The problem with cysteine (both a protein building block and an antioxidant) is thatit is found in only trace amounts in a limited number of foods, including raw eggwhites, milk, and meats. If the body is under immune stress, as happens with aviral infection, dietary sources may not be sufficient to produce enough glutathione.
If you isolate cysteine and take it in large quantities, however, it can be toxic.Rapidly metabolized (burned up, digested by the body), cysteine is unusable as adietary supplement. Immunocal™ solves this problem because it contains cystine,which is to say, cysteine in a more practical form. This form is readily releasedduring digestion and transported to target cells, where it can be broken down intocysteine.Once in the cells, the cysteine can then be used as raw material for the synthesis ofglutathione, the goal of all this biochemistry. For example, proper amounts ofglutathione enable white blood cells (lymphocytes such as T cells, B cells, andnatural killer cells) to reproduce in order to make antibodies or to attack foreignsubstances directly.Five hundred liters of fresh, raw cow's milk are necessary to produce one kilogramof Immunocal™, according to Immunotec. It is produced using a gentle process andlow temperatures to preserve the biological activity of the proteins. Recommendeddosage is one pouch (10 g) of Immunocal™ daily. Here you add the powder to 4 to6 ounces of milk, water, or juice and shake gently to mix. There are no reportedside effects from using Immunocal™, says Immunotec.
From Alternative Medicine Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia &Environmental Illness, pages 127-129, ISBM 1-887299-11-4. Reprinted withpermission by Future Medicine Publishing, Inc., 21-1/2 Main Street, Tiburon, CA94920.  To order this book, please contact Kathleen Lamoureux, Future MedicinePublishing, at 1-888-388-1142.